Tuesday, September 10, 2013

Bennett's First Day of Preschool

Bennett had his first day of preschool today! He was VERY excited to see his teachers and play with any "trucks or tractors" that might be there. As we arrived he then started to feel a little less excited and more anxious. I reassured him that he was going to have SO much fun, and that I would be back in an hour (it was a shortened day today) to get him. Drop off went well, and once he saw the trains, tractors and cars he forgot I was even there. Thursday will be his first "full" day (2.5 hours instead of 1). We can't wait to see how much he is going to learn this year! Bennett by his locker!

1 comment:

Stephanie said...

WOW, he looks super grown up all of a sudden! So handsome too :)