Tuesday, January 28, 2014

How We Beat the Winter Blues

This year has been a doozy for getting outside and burning some of that little boy energy. We have had several days off of school due to the frigid temperatures. When you have rambunctious boys in the house, you have to find something for them to do, or a mom could really go crazy! Here is what we did to beat the winter blues: When you can't go outside to play in the snow, why not bring the snow inside? Thanks for the idea Stephanie! The boys had fun digging for their cars and driving them through the snow. Blake also really enjoyed painting the snow with his watercolors. They made a "cabin" fort under the kitchen table. They completed the inside of the cabin with only the necessities, like pictures, a rock, and pretzels! Hopefully this cold snap will come to an end soon so that we can get back outside and enjoy the Wisconsin winter weather!

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