Friday, December 27, 2013
Christmas 2013
This year we spent our Christmas Eve/Day in Wisconsin. It was just the 5 of us on Christmas Eve, unless you count the doe that Randy shot with his bow in the early evening. We opened gift Christmas Eve night, and then woke up Christmas morning to see what Santa brought. We attended Christmas Day Mass in Eau Claire, and then went over to Papa Ron and Grandma Claudia's in the afternoon/evening.

Monday, December 23, 2013
Christmas Programs
This year we had, not one, but two Christmas programs to attend. The first was Blake's program at his school a few weeks ago, and the second was Bennett's preschool program last week.
Blake and his other kindergarten friends recited a poem, sang a song about mittens and gloves, and also sang a song called,"We Will Jingle," to the tune of "We Will Rock You!" They all wore sunglasses for the last song-- really cute. I didn't get very many good pictures of Blake at his program, as I was SO far away from the stage. I did manage to get one "ok" picture. Blake is in the back row on the right. Mondovi schools has a cool new feature now called "Buffalo TV" where you can watch live or archived footage of school events. Blake's class is singing the first 3 songs. Here is the link to watch the concert:
Bennett had his first school Christmas concert this past week. They sang a couple of songs and played on the drums that they made. Some of the songs they sang were, "The Little Drummer Boy" and "We Wish You a Merry Christmas."

Monday, December 16, 2013
Photo With Santa
This past Friday Blake got of school early so we thought it would be a good day to go down to the mall and get our picture taken with Santa. When I say "we" I meant the kids, but wouldn't you know it, I ended up being in the photo also! Bennett did not really want to sit on Santa's lap or have his picture taken with him. When we got there Marlee and Blake both sat on Santa's lap, but Bennett clung to me, hid behind my leg, and started crying. When Marlee saw Bennett crying, she immediately broke out crying! UGGHH! So to get all 3 of the kids pictured with Santa WITHOUT tears, I also had to be in the picture. I did not plan on being in the picture, as I am not even sure if I showered that day. Oh well, it was for the kids, right?!!
Wednesday, December 4, 2013
Let it Snow!
We received our first good batch of snow this week. It would be Marlee's first sled ride, as last year she was a bit too tiny to ride in the sled. She enjoyed the big sled with her Bennett, as well as the little sled by herself. She also got a try at making her first snowman. The most she would do is stand up next to the large boulders of snow and bounce up and down. I did capture one more picture of Marlee getting that first feeling of cold snow on her bare hands. Just like her big brother Blake when he was 12 months old, she DID not like it! I have a picture of both Blake and Marlee feeling the snow for the first time. See the resemblance?!

Tuesday, December 3, 2013
Thanksgiving Memories
The kids and I made the journey to my parents' house in Alexandria, MN this past weekend for Thanksgiving. We went a different route this time so that we could avoid the traffic in the cities. It probably took us longer, but at least I didn't have to contend with those crazy semi-truck drivers or being stuck in stop-and-go traffic with 3 kids! Randy stayed back to go deer hunting, but unfortunately he wasn't able to get one. There is still muzzle-loader season, however! :)
Blake, Bennett, and Marlee had fun playing 'house' with their cousins- Sophie(7), Grady(7, and Adam (4.5). They also liked playing picnic with Marlee's baby toys and making Christmas ornaments. Early Thanksgiving morning Jessi and I got up to run in Alexandria's YMCA 5K Turkey Day run. It was a windy and cold morning, but was fun to take part in a run with my sis. Jessi took 3rd place for females (even after having to stop at the halfway point to tie her shoe)! Nice job, Jess! I captured 1st place for women, and got the bonus surprise of winning a cake pan, cake mix, and frosting! (It's the little things!)
Here are some pictures of the weekend. By far the sweetest picture is of Marlee and Grady. They sure became good little buddies on this trip. In one picture you can see Marlee laying on Grady's head. I think that is her version of a hug. We hope your Thanksgiving was as enjoyable as ours!

Thursday, November 21, 2013
Buck down!
Wouldn't you know that on the final day of bow season before the gun opener, Randy would get his buck?!! Around 6:55 am today, Randy was able to harvest a buck. His buddies, Kyle and Andy were able to come down from Eau Claire to help him haul it out of the woods and take some pictures. Looks like we will have some more venison for our freezer! Nice job, Randy!

Celebrating Marlee
This past Sunday we celebrated Marlee's 1st birthday. Grandma Claudia and Papa Ron came over in the evening to watch Marlee open gifts and have some birthday cake. Marlee liked taking the tissue paper out of the gift bags. She also REALLY liked the frosting on her birthday cake! Thanks for celebrating with us, Grandma and Papa!

Sunday, November 17, 2013
Marlee is 1!
Our baby girl is 1 year old today! I know it sounds cliché, but that year just flew by! It has been such a joy to experience this first year of life with you, Marlee. We know that even more incredible moments with you lie ahead! Happy birthday to our curious, happy, and sweet baby girl! We love you!
Wednesday, November 6, 2013
Daddy and his "dears"
I was looking back over our blog and at some of the very first posts that I made, and I found this one of Blake and Randy during deer hunting season. It reminded me of a picture I took not too long ago of Randy and Marlee after Randy came in from hunting. I really am seeing how much Marlee and Blake resemble each other as I look back at these pictures.
No buck to report yet, but hopefully this weekend!
Randy and Blake 2008
Randy and Marlee 2013
Randy and Blake 2008
Monday, November 4, 2013
Halloween 2013
After everyone in our house came down with the stomach flu this last week, we were fortunate to all be healthy by the time Halloween came around. Blake had two costumes this year. For school he dressed up as a stickman, and for trick-or-treating he went as a hunter. Bennett dressed up as a fire chief, while Marlee and I dressed as cowgirls. We had a great time trick-or-treating in a friend's neighborhood, as it makes it extra "tricky" when you live out in the country.
This week while Blake was still recovering from the flu, we found some time to carve our pumpkins also! Both boys did not want anything to do with scooping out the insides of the pumpkins. I guess you can't blame them after having been sick earlier in the week. Yuck!

Thursday, October 17, 2013
Marlee is 11 Months Old!
It is hard to believe that in one short month we will be celebrating another first birthday in our house! Where has the time gone? Seriously? Marlee is starting to walk along furniture a little now. She loves to go for stroller rides, play in the grass/leaves, and smile at her brothers. She has also become somewhat of a daddy's girl. Whenever Randy is holding her she does not want to come to me. (Tear) We can't wait to celebrate your first birthday, Marlee!

Friday, September 27, 2013
What I'm Loving This Week
As I look back over this week, here are some of the things I am especially thankful for:(in order of the pictures below)
1. A curious Marlee as she is thinking-- "What is that? What is it doing? Can I do that?"
2. Seeing Randy playing with the kids
3. Clean and happy kiddos
4. My 1-on-1 time with Bennett during the day--this week we made playdough!
5. Access to fresh garden tomatoes for making salsa and pasta sauce, and for apples from our land!

Tuesday, September 17, 2013
Marlee is 10 Months Old!
Is Marlee really old enough to be in the double digits now? We have a busy little crawler this month. Marlee loves to zoom around on the floor crawling to anything in sight. Her favorite things to get her hands on are socks-- dirty or clean-- it doesn't matter. She also likes to pull herself up to standing. She is seeming more and more like a toddler than the little baby I once knew-- sniff, sniff. She has more teeth this month too. One popped through on the top with another popping through on the bottom for a total of 4 teeth. The other top big tooth is almost through as well. At her check-up a few weeks ago she weighed 17 pounds ( 25% for weight and 90% for height)-- she is going to be long and lean. By next month we might be starting to walk! YIKES! Love you Marlee! Also, a bonus picture of Marlee and her BFF Janie (almost 1 year) this past weekend!

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