It all started on our long drive to North Dakota for Christmas. Randy and I brought the cd's along, because once you get to the northern part of North Dakota there are not many radio stations. We put in the Bon Jovi cd, and Blake was hooked. His favorite songs are "Livin' On a Prayer" and "You Give Love a Bad Name" (I think that is the title).
Now Blake wants to hear Bon Jovi whenever we are driving in the car-- on our way to daycare, on our way to church, and on our way to get groceries. The other day I saw that Oprah was going to have Bon Jovi on. I set the DVR just in case he would happen to sing one of Blake's favorite songs. He did not disappoint. He sang "Livin' On a Prayer" and the next morning I showed it to Blake. It was a regular dance party in our house at 9 am!
Here is a video clip of Blake singing his 2 favorite songs. Notice his change in the lyrics-- "Livin' On a Prayer"--- 'take my hand and I"ll make it a square', and "You Give Love a Bad Name"-- 'Shot to the heart and your too late, you give love a bad name.'
Gotta love it!
Sunday, January 30, 2011
Wednesday, January 19, 2011
Blake Turns 3!

Yesterday Blake turned 3 years old! He was so excited to finally be able to put up that 3rd finger when someone asked him, "How old are you?" We celebrated with Papa Ron and Grandma Claudia. Blake wanted a Toy Story cake this year, and told me today (Jan. 19) that it was still his birthday. I asked him why he thought it was still his birthday and he said it was because we still had birthday cake left over.
Blake's passions in life so far have been tractors, pretending he is Benny from "The Sandlot" movie, and putting his blanket around his neck like a cape and pretending he is Batman. We can't wait to see what else his little heart will get excited about in the years ahead! Love you Blake Marcus!
Tuesday, January 11, 2011
Happy Birthday to My Sister and Best Friend

Happy Birthday to my "wombmate!" Wow, to think that it seemed like just yesterday that we were sharing a room, sharing clothes, and playing "soap opera!" Now we are grown women with our own children playing make-believe. The time sure does fly! I love you so much, and I don't know what I would do without you as my sister and friend! Happy Birthday!
Tuesday, January 4, 2011
Bennett is 8 Months Old
Sunday, January 2, 2011
Potty Time

For the past couple of months we have been working on potty training Blake. He has been doing a great job. We kept a chart for him as an incentive to be more consistent with going to the bathroom. We made a deal that if Blake filled up all 35 spots on the chart that we would take him to a movie and have popcorn! He was very excited about this, and each time he would complete a task on the chart he couldn't wait to put the smiley face on. Well, the day has come, and Blake's chart is filled! He jumped up and down after finally filling up the line for going #2 on the potty (that was the toughest line to fill up)! Now we just need to set a date for our movie! Way to go Blake!
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