Monday, August 30, 2010

S'more Time

We built a little bonfire in our yard last week, and Blake got to experience roasting marshmallows for the first time! Of course he is my child, so he LOVED them! We could have done without the mosquitoes though!

Bennett and Dad

We have a ton of pictures of Randy and Blake, but we haven't taken a lot of just Bennett and Randy. So here is one of my favorites!

Saturday, August 14, 2010

Music in the Park & Kol's Visit

This past week we attended the Summer Concert Series at Phoenix Park in Eau Claire. Kol, a fantastic new friend that Randy has had the great fortune of getting to know through work, was visiting us from Boston. He stayed with us for a few days this past week, and he and Blake became the best of buds! Blake wouldn't let me snap a picture of them together, but where Kol was, Blake was not far behind! Thanks for visiting us Kol!

While at Music in the Park, Blake enjoyed playing on the big rocks by the river, eating his PB & J sandwich, and of course trying to keep up with his melting ice cream cone!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

Bennett's Baptism

On Saturday, August 7 Bennett was baptized at the Newman Parish in Eau Claire, WI. Father George Szews officiated during the mass. Michael and Karen Eckerman, our good friends, are Bennett's godparents. Tom, Jessi, and family attended the baptism and Papa Ron and Grandma Claudia were also present.

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

Bennett is 3 Months Old!

Bennett is really putting on the pounds! At his last appointment (10 weeks old) he weighed 14.5 pounds! I am sure he is close to 16 pounds by now! He has given us lots of smiles and even a few giggles this last month.